Vape, eRokok, vapor dan e-cig antara nama panggilan untuk rokok elektronik ini oleh masyarakat. Rokok elektronik adalah nama panggilan kepada alat yang membekalkan dos nikotin dalam bentuk wap dengan memanaskan cecair campuran propylene glycol, glycerol, perasa makanan dan nikotin menjadikannya berbentuk wap dan disedut oleh pengguna.

Gara-Gara Hisap Vape, 4 Remaja Masuk Ini Hampir Maut

Tapi baru-baru ini, sekurang-kurangnya lima orang maut di Amerika Syarikat (AS) selepas menghisap vape, dalam satu insiden yang menyebabkan ratusan mengalami penyakit pulmonari serius dan beberapa lagi remaja koma, kata pihak berkuasa.

Kevin Boclair Bergantung Kepada Mesin Ventilator Untuk Bernafas
Kevin Boclair, 19, terpaksa ditidurkan dan bergantung kepada mesin ventilator bagi membantunya bernafas. Ibunya, Debbie Boclair berkata, Kevin mungkin memerlukan pembedahan paru-paru untuk pulih.

Gara-Gara Hisap Vape, 4 Remaja Masuk Ini Hampir Maut

“Doktor mengesyaki penyakitnya berpunca daripada vape,” kata Debbie.

Pelajar Universiti Bloomberg itu pernah berhenti menghisap vape, namun mengulangi tabiat tersebut kerana ketagih dengan perisa rokok elektronik berkenaan.

Tambah Debbie, tahap kesihatan Kevin mula merosot kira-kira dua minggu lalu tidak lama sebelum dia dijadualkan menyambung semula tahun kedua pengajiannya.


Fabian Castillo Koma 9 Hari Kerana Menghisap SMOK Vape

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I realize this is a lot more than what I usually share or post but I wanted to take a moment and show you all what the risks are if you vape or smoke. I was in the hospital for two weeks as I was having trouble breathing, as I got to the hospital my lungs stopped moving all together. The doctors at the hospital had no choice but to put me in coma for 6 days so they can put me on a machine to breathe for me. They warned my mother that things where not looking good for me as my oxygen levels dropped dramatically along with my blood pressure and heart rate. The doctors told my mother to start looking into funeral arrangements. I nearly lost my life for something I thought was completely harmless. I didn’t listen to anyone that told me its dangerous and I never understood why they would tell me that well now I understand why. This is not for sympathy or attention I want all of you to look at this and rethink what you put into your body there are plenty of cases coming out like mine but I was one of the super lucky ones that made it. So please if you smoke vape or anything look at this photo and imagine your loved one or you in this position. This was not comfortable or fun and I’m still recovering so please be cautious of what you put in your body or what you do to your body.#stopvaping #stopsmoking

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Fabian Castillo koma selama sembilan hari dek kerana menghisap rokok elektrik ini. Menyangkakan yang rokok elektrik tidak akan memberi sebarang masalah kesihatan kepada dirinya, Fabian mengambil keputusan untuk menghisap rokok elektrik ini untuk menghilangkan anxiety yang dialaminya.

Cara Fraser Alami  Kesukaran Bernafas & Koma

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I started Juuling a lot my senior year of high school, 2/3 years ago. It wasn’t until March of 2018 where I started having trouble breathing. The ER said I had a viral illness and sent me home. The next day I developed a cough as well and was worse..A friend saved my life and woke up me up because I was breathing shallow. I Went back to the hospital and they started doing every test they could think of because they had no idea what was going on. I wasn’t getting enough oxygen and developed respiratory failure and respiratory distress syndrome so I was moved into the ICU. The next morning I was put on a ventilator and on life support because I wasn’t able to breathe on my own. They had to put tubes down my throat and put me in a medical induced coma for a week. Every test came back negative. And I was getting worse…they told my family that I wasn’t going to make it. I woke up a week later and was told I had gotten a very rare pneumonia from vaping and that one of my lungs had collapsed and that they are going to be “damaged forever.” I had to learn how to walk, eat, basic life stuff all over again. Was told I would have to stay at rehab for a year or more. Not only has the JUUL effected me physically, but also mentally. So here I am writing my “story” because everyone needs to know that vaping/smoking is NOT worth the chance. Quit before you have to go through this. #Dangersofvaping #vapingcommunity #smokingkills #juul

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Cara Fraser yang kini berusia 19 tahun berkongsi detik cemas apabila doktor memberi tahu kepada ahli keluarganya yang dirinya mungkin tidak dapat bertahan lebih lama dan minta ahli kelaurga bersedia. Cara Fraser mula menghisap rokok elektrik ini ketika dirinya berusia 17 tahun dan bermula episod tragedi pada dirinya.

Berikutan menghisap rokok elektrik tersebut, Cara Fraser mengalami masalah kesukaran pernafasan dan dikejarkan ke hospital yang kemudian dirinya koma selama tujuh hari dan hampir mati.

Paru-Paru Cedera Chance Ammirata Kerana Juul Vape

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This whole experience is absolutely insane and life changing (disclaimer I don’t always look this bad just when I’m glued to the hospital bed for 8 days) I came into this experience completely negative mad at the world , and scared of how things were gonna turn out after my lung collapsed. But I decided to take this negative and completely find another meaning. I decided that spreading my story could help others not have to go through the same thing as me. One by one reading each message from every single one of you explaining how I was able to CHANGE YOUR MINDSET I was able to help you throw out your juul. Makes you realize enough is enough and that nicotine is rotting our brains and destroying our bodies. It overcame me with emotions. I’ve never been happier to make such a difference. My surgery to get my chest tube removed is scheduled in around 2/3 hours and I’m insanely nervous. But I want to make sure my story is always out there. And that the change doesn’t stop. Every day we need to fight to help not only ourselves but the ones we love put down the nicotine. This epidemic has taken enough. We don’t need more evidence telling us just how bad it is. How many more kids are going to have to get hospitalized for us to stop !? None should be the answer don’t take this with a grain of salt. And keep on pushing yourselves to take control of these cravings. I know it’s hard , and I know it will be a long one/2 weeks of getting over the addiction. But 1/2 weeks is so much more worth it than a lifetime of consequences. #lunglove #stopjuul #revolution #wewillmakeachange #wearenotcontrolled edit: hole* reference to third slide

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Siapa sangka dek kerana pelawaan rakan untuk menghidap rokok elektrik, membawa dirinya dikejarkan ke hospital apabila mengalami kesukaran pernafasan dan disahkan paru-parunya telah cedera dan membuat keputusan untuk berhenti menghisap rokok elektrik ini dan mula mengadakan kempen kesedaran #LungLove.

Sebelum ini, pegawai kesihatan di AS memberi amaran penggunaan rokok elektronik dan beberapa produk vape lain boleh mengundang masalah pernafasan. Pada Julai lalu, sekurang-kurangnya lapan remaja di Wisconsin yang mempunyai sejarah menghisap vape dikejarkan ke hospital. Mereka diagnosis mengalami kerosakan paru-paru yang teruk.

Bahaya juga penangan Vape ni kan…seriau admin dengar….

Hukum Merokok mengikut Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan Malaysia

Apa pun muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-37 yang bersidang pada 23 Mac 1995 telah membincangkan Hukum Merokok Dari Pandangan Islam. Muzakarah telah memutuskan bahawa merokok adalah haram dari pandangan Islam kerana padanya terdapat kemudharatan.


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